What: GBCS Chit-Chat Tea and Cakes
When: Sunday, February 28, 2010 - 11am to 2pm (or later)
Where: Josef's Vienna Bakery & Cafe - 933 W Moana Lane - Reno, NV
Interested in joining or learning more about the Great Basin Costume Society? Come have a chat with us, and learn more about the upcoming events this Summer and Fall. Plus there's CAKE!
Costume is admired but never required. If you would like to dress up, casual attire from the 1930s to the 1960s is suggested.
This event is not catered, so if you'd like tea and CAKE, come prepared. We will supply you with exciting news and information on costuming and silliness!
Not sure about any of this nonesense? Just come and see! The GBCS is *NEW* to Reno and always open to suggestions, input, and ideas. Invite your friends, your sisters, your mothers, and come see what it is all about.
If you are on Facebook, join the group by clicking HERE, and RSVP to this event by clicking HERE.
RSVP by e-mailing greatbasincostume@gmail.com
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