Mark Your Calendars! Aug 28, 2010

It is official! The new Nevada State Fair, the Wild West Fair has asked us to be the hosts for the Parade of Historical Fashion and the Costume Contest. We will be providing the organization and judges for this event. All are welcome to be in the Parade, but unfortunately if you are a member of GBCS you won't be able to compete in the Contest. Ya know, it's that thing about conflict of interest. We're the judges and we pick our own.
However if you are reading this and not a member by all means enter in.
The prizes are awesome! Real money! Fairly big money, enough to buy fabric and "stuff". They (State Fair) are talking in the range of $25.00 for various categories up to 1st prize of 150.00 or 300.00. Here is the link to the State Fair. We will have links on their site within the next week or so to the "rules",the categories, prizes and entrance forms.
Mark your calendars, save the date, plan on participating. If you are a GBCS member plan on helping out the day of by being in the Parade, helping with the Judging and helping with the Victorian Ice Cream Social. Yes you read right. One of the State Fair's sponsors is giving away Ice Cream. They will give it away just before we start so people can enjoy their ice cream and the show. We provide the ambiance and line people up for ice cream. Oh yes, we get to eat Ice Cream too!
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